Eating For Weight Loss

An apple with a a single green leaf with a weighing scales.

Eating for weight loss is the single biggest reason people choose to diet. However, deciding how to adjust your diet and harmonising those adjustments with the most beneficial food makes eating for weight loss a challenge.

It’s most beneficial to stay away from the extremities of dieting when eating for weight loss. Instead, make lasting adjustments encompassing a holistic approach to nutrition and healthy living. Although our diet should only be part of our weight loss plan, a balanced diet and regular exercise will lead to a healthy lifestyle.

Make A Lifestyle Choice

Try not to embark on any diet as part of a project or with an end date in mind. Instead, try to diet as part of living a healthy balanced lifestyle. Sometimes dramatic weight loss can be achieved by signing up for one of the many thousand ‘fad diets.

But unfortunately, this fast weight loss is usually short-lived. It’s like the elastic band effect. After it’s expanded, it has to contract back to where it was. On the other hand, making a lifestyle change to eat healthier, such as cooking more, getting off the bus a stop earlier and walking further, are more likely to be part of a broader lifestyle choice that will result in long-term weight loss in the context of an overall healthier lifestyle.

I should add here that there are some success stories from people who have lost weight from extreme dieting, but at what cost to their long-term health? So we advocate a healthy balanced diet as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Be Prepared For A Balanced Lifestyle – Not Apprehensive

Maintaining the all-important ‘balanced diet isn’t as difficult as it first appears. The first job is to learn about food, and what is good to eat and when. The point of living a holistic life is to eat anything, yes that’s right, just in moderation and at the correct times; chocolate – before noon, and so on. Also, learn about yourself, and know when you are weak and likely to eat fast food or whatever your kryptonite is.

Be prepared, and have healthy snacks at work or in the cupboards at home. Prepare by only keeping the foods you want to eat in your home, and remove temptation. Lastly, make milestones and be nice to yourself. Finally, keep a diary and write about your journey and your achievements.

Don’t be afraid. Eating for weight loss is an excellent way to start a new healthy lifestyle.

Diet as part of a lifestyle change, not a knee-jerk reaction to comments someone made or a picture of yourself you didn’t like.

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