Organic herbal tea in a cup with fresh flowers.

Our Flexible Subscriptions Save You Money and Time

Thank you for being so interested in our subscriptions. We aim to help customers always have the products they rely on and save money. Therefore, we offer a discount when you purchase a product on a subscription.

By offering our products at a discount when purchased on a flexible subscription, our goal is to help you save money and ensure you always stay supplied.

Customers have complete control over their subscriptions by logging into their accounts; you can change the frequency, add or remove products, and pause or cancel anytime.

Subscriber Benefits

There are several benefits to ordering products on subscription, namely:

  • If a product is in high demand, we will remove it from general sale to ensure we always have enough stock to fulfil our subscription customers’ orders.
  • We regularly give free samples of new products to subscribers.
  • We have regular subscriber-only promotions.
  • Active subscribers are alerted to sales and discounts up to seven days before we announce them to our regular newsletter subscribers.
  • and much more

If you have any questions about a subscription you already have set up, would like to discuss if a subscription is right for you, or need some more information, please get in touch via the phone, email or contact form. All the details are on our contact us page, link below:

Contact Us