```html ``` Cut Through The Hype Surrounding Coconut Oil and Know The Facts.

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  • November 13, 2016 3 min read

    For many parts of Asia and the numerous islands scattered throughout the Pacific, Coconut Oil is a cornerstone of their diets. Made into drinks, curries or desserts, it provides vital sustenance and nutrition for the communities where it grows and flourishes.

    Ever Thought Of Injecting Coconut Water?

    Amazingly, in parts of India, coconut water is injected intravenously into the sick; coconut water is very similar to blood plasma and is sterile until the coconut is opened.

    Perfect For The Skin and Nutritional well-being

    Coconut oil is excellent for the body, both on the inside and out. It is most commonly sold in jars and has a solid opaque 'butter' consistency when it hasn't reached its melting point.

    Coconut oil is composed of over 90% saturated fats, with the remainder being unsaturated fatty acids, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

    It's the saturated fats that contain antimicrobial properties, and these are what deal with unwanted bacteria and viruses, as well as helping the body absorb other nutrients.

    Coconut Oils Antibacterial Properties

    Coconut oil is known to kill the viruses that cause diseases such as influenza, herpes, measles, and hepatitis, among others. This wonder oil is also capable of killing bacteria, is great at preventing and treating infections, and its anti-fungal properties can help to avoid and eliminate fungal infections such as thrush, ringworm, and athlete's foot.

    Traditional Use For Candida Infections

    Candida is another common health issue that coconut oil has been used to treat in Traditional medicine. Candida is caused by an overgrowth of yeast, Candida Albicans, in the stomach. It can help by not only providing anti-fungal properties, but also it can be sooth inflammation and ease irritation.

    Overall Well-Being Provided By Coconut Oil

    So, as you can gather, coconut oil offers a whole range of unproven health benefits, the benefits are unproven as of now for the usual reasons, namely the scientists who do the proving work for large pharmaceutical companies that are in no rush to promote a product they can't patent.

    Common Traditional Uses of Coconut Oil

    The most common Traditional uses include the prevention of heart disease and high blood pressure, is could be due in part to the large quantities of saturated fats that contain about 50% lauric acid.

    In some people, coconut oil causes a significant reduction in damage to arteries, and the short-medium chain fatty acid it contains can aid weight loss, and regulate thyroid function.

    Digestive Boost

    As well as helping in cases of preventing severe disease, coconut oil can contribute to improving the digestive system, which in turn helps the body better absorb nutrients. Coconut oil is a good choice of oil to cook with as it is stable and retains its structure when heated. By taking internally, it can aid stomach and digestion-related health and may help with irritable bowel syndrome and colitis.

    Coconut Oil Naturally Nourished Skin

    Coconut oil is naturally an effective skin moisturiser, especially for dry and damaged skin. Used in massage, either alone, or as a base carrier for essential oils, it will deposit vital nutrition to help the skin regenerate.

    Coconut oil is a natural and edible oil making it a far better choice than mineral oil, that can dry the skin and cause a reaction in some cases. Coconut oil is widely used by those with eczema and other dry skin conditions; it is effective for skin conditions when applied topically and also when it's consumed.

    So What's The Downside?

    There doesn't seem to be a downside to Coconut oil, it's an excellent food to eat, either by itself or a to cook with, it can be taken as a nutritional supplement in capsule form, used in cooking, baking, or raw in smoothies and concoctions it doesn't matter. Find your way to enjoying coconut oil and incorporate it into your diet, somewhere, even if it's only occasionally the benefits may surprise you...

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