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    If you are have tried every fad diet out there, and still having a tough time losing weight, this article is for you. Get sustainable weight loss solutions with the most effective, and sustainable ways to lose weight by eating healthily and making a couple of subtle lifestyle changes.

    Eating healthily and taking regular exercise will not only ease short-term weight problems, but it will also boost your physical health. Done well it will lead to healthier, happier you that's sustainable. But you already know that, right?

    A well balanced diet doesn't have to begin with a shopping trolley full of alien looking vegetables that have just arrived from Asia.

    OK, OK, so that's the obvious stated for the record, why should I read any further? I hear you ask. Well, in this blog I explore a few subtle changes you can make to your lifestyle that will in turn lead to significant lasting change. Changes you may not have tried yet, so push through!!!

    Learn About Food

    We don't have to become qualified nutritionists to get in shape, but a little knowledge about the food we eat goes along way. It will also help when making lifestyle choices.

    Gaining a little knowledge of the food we eat, the different nutritional elements they contain, and the way these elements interact with our bodies, will help the next time the bakery counter calls.

    Get A Basic Understanding of Your Diet

    Most of us have a basic understanding what type of foods we should be eating, 5 a day, etc. but knowing why will add weight to the decisions we make, and help us during moments of weakness, the times when 'fast food' feels justified.

    Know What's Bad and Why

    Knowing transfats are bad for us is one thing, but knowing a little about how and why they encourage fatty build ups in our arteries, and directly induce other health issues gives us extra strength to seek alternatives when the fast food cravings pounce.

    Healthy Eating 101

    A well balanced diet doesn't have to begin with a shopping trolley full of alien looking vegetables that have just arrived from Asia. Take your first step by removing heavily processed foods from you diet.

    Reading about food and health will help you sharpen your 'healthy instincts' and make you more assertive around food.

    In a nutshell, burgers, pizza, French fries, microwave meals and anything else your instincts tell you are bad. Heavily processed food contains high levels of trans fats, salt and sugar. These foods overload the body, when the body becomes stressed cleaning up the food in your stomach, it diverts resources away from doing its job; repairing cells and healing.

    Forming New Food Habits

    There are many more harmful foods out there than the ones mentioned. Also, many foods that we think are healthy, that are marketed as healthy alternatives, actually aren't.

    The point of staying away from burgers, pizza, french fries and convenient fast food in general is partly to clean up your diet, but also to plant the seeds of new habits. Getting out of the 'rut' of eating fast food is half the battle.

    Sharpening Your Hunter Gather Instinct

    Whether you're looking for lunch on the fly or doing the weekly shop, your biggest ally is your 'health instinct.' Reading about food and health will help you sharpen your 'healthy instincts' and make you more assertive around food. Get your instincts dialled in, then trusting them.

    Forget Guilt - Think Life

    Lifestyle change is a major life decision, do it with positivity and assertion, don't allow guilt and other negative emotions to enter your world.

    Don't be too hard a taskmaster, if you enjoy junk food then make an allowance for it in your new lifestyle.

    Gaining food knowledge gives a basis for correct decision making, get committed and make positive decisions about the food the food you choose.

    Change Your Lifestyle With Conviction

    It's easy to cave in and allow guilt to be a motivating factor in your lifestyle choices. However, making changes based on guilt and other negative emotions will mean your choices have little or no conviction.

    Learn what makes you healthy, feel good and ooze with vitality, and then make positive lifestyle choices to indulge your new found knowledge and makes you feel good.

    Allow And Plan For Slips

    Don't be too hard a taskmaster, if you enjoy junk food then make an allowance for it in your new lifestyle. Moderation is the key word here. When you decide to eat your favourite burger plan it, don't do it on impulse.

    When you make plans to eat junk food, make an occasion out of it, and enjoy it. Holding yourself to ransom over food won't work.

    Planning a trip to the local kebab shop and eating a preplanned meal will lessen the likelihood of binging, binging is the curse of the dieter.

    Binging leads to total collapse; it can result in low self-esteem and self-loathing. Change your lifestyle on the back of positive decision making.

    How To Avoid Binge Eating

    Binge eating usually occurs because of poor planning. Becoming over hungry can lead to a sense of self-justification to binge. If you are going into a situation where temptation is likely to be strong, at the end of a night out or a favourite drive; make appropriate plans.

    In this instance, super foods can be extremely handy snacks to have around. Individual portions of chia seeds can be quickly eaten; they provide nutrition and satiety.

    Find Support: Don't Diet Alone

    Having a diet pal works, so does group pressure that's why Weight Watchers and such have been so successful. However, if you don't want to join a local slimming class don't dismiss the power of on-line friends to support and help you shed the pounds.

    Join Online Support Communities

    Slimming classes based in the local Scouts hut are a relic of the analog age. By joining an online diet support community, you can receive 24/7 support. At the moment when you are feeling down or weak you can send a message to an online community and the likelihood os someone will instantly message back with inspiration that will lead you from temptation.

    Facebook And Twitter

    Facebook has some communities that provide support for dieters, by following key influencers on Twitter you will receive regular messages of inspiration.

    Health Implications of Being Over Weight

    Don't put of dieting for another instant, do it and do it now. Vanity isn't the only reason to shed that extra weight. Never more than now has the serious health damage caused by being over weight been known.

    Without wanting to be an alarmist, not managing your weight and diet is self-negligence, and tantamount to suicide. If you know your overweight or eat a poor diet regularly, you have a responsibility to the one you love to fix it. No snack or treat should be more tempting that spending more time with our loved ones.

    Good Luck.

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