Benefits of Wheatgrass

A freshly poured glass of wheatgrass and a sprig of raw whole wheatgrass on a white background.

What Is Wheatgrass?

The benefits of wheatgrass powder as a nutritional supplement have been known for quite some time. Charles F. Schnabel was the first to start experimenting with wheatgrass as a dietary supplement in the early 1930s. He discovered that wheatgrass has many concentrated nutrients and vitamins and found ways to dehydrate wheatgrass into a powder and make tablets with it. Thus making it easier to distribute and use by a wider audience.

Today, New Zealand wheatgrass is prized as the finest quality wheatgrass grown. This is mainly due to the pristine environment of New Zealand and minimal environmental pollution.

Benefits of Wheatgrass

Primarily wheat grass has very high concentrated protein levels, vitamin D, B12 and phosphorus. However, these are not the only nutrients it has, and it is closely related to broccoli and spinach when analysing its nutrients.

There are many benefits associated with wheatgrass. Many of these benefits stem from its powerful antioxidant qualities, which reduce the level of free radicals within the body and allow the immune system to get a head start.

Antioxidant properties are also said to help fight tumours and growths, tumours by neutralising toxins.

  • Neutralises acidity – lowers acidity levels in the bloodstream, which protects and helps fight against ulcers, bowel conditions, and many other ailments.
  • Concentrated levels of chlorophyll – chlorophyll is amazingly close in structure to haemoglobin within the human within human blood. This means it’s quickly absorbed.
  • Combats Obesity – by stimulating the thyroid gland, which also interns correction a whole host of digestion and ingestion problems.
  • Liquid oxygen transfusion – wheatgrass juice contains liquid oxygen; high levels of liquid oxygen in the blood stimulate clear thinking, enable the brain to function better, and protect the blood against anaerobic bacteria. In addition, cancer cells find it difficult to exist when there are high levels of liquid oxygen.
  • Lower toxicity levels – with little toxicity levels, better functionality returns to most body systems, including fertility and skin cell reproduction. I am giving a healthy glow to the body.

However, it must be said that many of the above benefits can be gained from drinking the juice of any dark green leafy vegetable, not just wheatgrass. Drinking juice with concentrated levels of chlorophyll will provide most of the above benefits.

Green Juice

Green juice, or any juice that contains a concentration of chlorophyll and an antioxidant chlorophyll, is also credited with increasing the red blood cell count within the body, which combats illness and stimulates cell growth.

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