An Ayurvedic Favourite: The Remarkable Benefits of Drinking Lemongrass Tea

lemongrass tea in a glass cup with fresh lemongrass inserted into the cup.

Know The Benefits of Lemongrass Tea

According to Ayurvedic, or ancient Hindu medical opinion, lemongrass tea offers a veritable bounty of health benefits. Indeed, it’s been used for hundreds of years in India and other Southeast Asian countries to treat a wide variety of ailments and also as a general ‘pick-me-up’ to promote improved physical and mental health.

lemongrass works against free radicals, which are rather nasty unstable molecules that increase your risk of suffering from some health problems, including heart disease.

Lemongrass is traditionally a fragrant, sweet-tasting tea (trust us, it is rather pleasant!). The consensus is that it offers tangible benefits to your body and mind.

Lemongrass Herbal Tea: An In-Depth Breakdown of the Benefits

If you’re interested in trying Lemongrass herbal tea, then you’re probably equally curious to know precisely what benefits it can offer you. So here is a basic breakdown of the acknowledged advantages of including lemongrass tea in your daily diet.

  1. Powerful Antioxidants: Lemongrass is comprised of several volatile oils. Before you get alarmed at the word ‘volatile’, read on! One of these oils is a substance called citral, and it’s been officially recommended, by reputable sources such as the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in New York, that citral can pack a powerful punch when it comes to protecting your cells. In particular, it works against free radicals, which are nasty unstable molecules that increase your risk of suffering from several health problems, including heart disease. It’s also believed that citral can help protect against digestive problems and help eradicate bacterial infection in the gut or colon.
  2. A Quick and Easy Detox! Lemongrass is a natural diuretic, increasing your need to urinate! This is incredibly beneficial for your body, as it helps flush out toxins. In addition, for those on a mission to lose weight, it can assist with ridding your body of dreaded water retention and helping your system process fat more effectively.
  3. Stabilising the Mind: One of the most pleasant side-effects of drinking Lemongrass Herbal tea is its soothing quality. It has mild sedative effects; certainly not enough to make you feel over-tired or drowsy (unless you drink a significant amount), but enough to calm troubled minds and help relieve tension. This alone makes it one of our favourite drinks in the office!
  4. Relieve Fever: It’s also thought that Lemongrass Herbal tea helps help to lower fever by raising levels of perspiration. Although it hasn’t been scientifically proven, for centuries, Asian medical practice has held that Lemongrass is effective at combatting pain, particularly digestive or nerve-related discomfort.

Lemongrass and Pandanus: A Winning Combination!

If you want to maximise the health benefits, we’ve recently started offering Lemongrass and Pandanus Herbal tea in our online store. In addition to the excellent advantages of Lemongrass, the Pandanus leaves (which are used widely across Asia) have a considerable amount to offer your body and mind, including helping to lower your blood pressure and easing the pain of rheumatic or muscular discomfort.

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